
“Rain Delay” (Tall Tale TVaudiobook)

Two tennis players realize that it never rains when they play. Never.

“Apples” (Daily Science Fiction)

Don’t take apples for granted. They might not exist in the future.

“Genie in a PET Bottle” (After the Goldrush)

The Genie lives in a PET Bottle now. Be careful what you wish for.

“TEAM” (Corner Bar Magazine)

The “Time Enhancement Assisting Mechanism” can reconstruct all of history through mind mining.

“Mmmemories!” (Tall Tale TVaudiobook)

What if overnight a zucchini grew out of your belly button?

“The Sco2rlet Letter” (Apocalypse Confidential)

Imagine Climate Change as a thing of the past.

“The Not So Exceptional Galactic Gambit of Marge Welsworth” (Del Sol Spec-Fic Review)

We are not alone! The almighty Fladgisten have arrived on Earth and speak to us through Elvis lyrics only.