“Rain Delay” (Tall Tale TV – audiobook)
Two tennis players realize that it never rains when they play. Never.
“Apples” (Daily Science Fiction)
Don’t take apples for granted. They might not exist in the future.
“Genie in a PET Bottle” (After the Goldrush)
The Genie lives in a PET Bottle now. Be careful what you wish for.
“TEAM” (Corner Bar Magazine)
The “Time Enhancement Assisting Mechanism” can reconstruct all of history through mind mining.
“Mmmemories!” (Tall Tale TV – audiobook)
What if overnight a zucchini grew out of your belly button?
“The Sco2rlet Letter” (Apocalypse Confidential)
Imagine Climate Change as a thing of the past.
“The Not So Exceptional Galactic Gambit of Marge Welsworth” (Del Sol Spec-Fic Review)
We are not alone! The almighty Fladgisten have arrived on Earth and speak to us through Elvis lyrics only.